From the course: B2B Foundations: Social Media Marketing

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Generating awareness for your business with social media

Generating awareness for your business with social media

From the course: B2B Foundations: Social Media Marketing

Generating awareness for your business with social media

- [Instructor] Generating awareness for your business with social media. Letting people know that your business exists and is ready and waiting for new customers or repeat business is an ongoing task for all marketers. Social media is a great platform to generate awareness and to stay visible for when someone might be in need of your products and services. The AIDA model describes the process people go through when they're looking to buy something. AIDA stands for awareness or attention, interest, desire, and action. We can picture this buy-in process as a funnel. Some people will drop out the process if the product or service isn't right for them. And that's why it's wider at the top than the bottom. Whenever you're making a purchase, you will go through the AIDA process, often without even thinking about it. For B2B marketing, the AIDA process, we can understand that our potential customers need to receive some…
