From the course: B2B Foundations: Social Media Marketing

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Defining the key messages for your B2B social media marketing content

Defining the key messages for your B2B social media marketing content

From the course: B2B Foundations: Social Media Marketing

Defining the key messages for your B2B social media marketing content

- [Instructor] Defining the key messages for your B2B social media marketing content. When it comes to deciding on content to post on your social media accounts, I find it's really useful to have a few key messages or themes. Not only does it help me to stay focused but it helps my followers too as it keeps them more engaged if they know what they're going to get from me. There's nothing worse than a social media account that posts so many random things you forget who they are and what they do. I suggest picking three to five themes that give you enough flexibility and variety but also some consistency. Let me show you what I mean. I often use the themes your industry, your specialist subject, your community and initiatives you support. For your industry, what's going on in your industry? What stories or events might your followers want to know about? For example, if you're in recruitment, you might share information…
