From the course: B2B Foundations: Social Media Marketing

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B2B social media marketing best practices

B2B social media marketing best practices

From the course: B2B Foundations: Social Media Marketing

B2B social media marketing best practices

- [Narrator] B2B social media marketing best practice. There's no set rule book or silver bullet when it comes to marketing or social media. I wish there was. But it's important to be familiar with some best practice guidelines. For me, it's all about study, watch, learn, and do. I love watching what other people are doing. I find that reading industry news sites, attending events, watching webinars, is the best way for me to learn. When you read articles or you hear other people speak, they're sharing so many great insights you can take away. I also love to look at industry awards, to see what brands and campaigns are shortlisted, and which ones win, and it's often those details of those campaigns are profiled, so you can read up on them. And then it's about applying those learnings to your own business strategy and business needs, all while staying focused on your customers and the objectives you've set. Create your…
