From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

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Working with BYLAYER

Working with BYLAYER - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

Working with BYLAYER

- [Instructor] So here we are again in AutoCAD, ready for another tip and trick to make you that little bit more effective with AutoCAD in the office. It might even make you that little AutoCAD guru for the week, you never know. So we've got a new drawing open for you here. Its PROPERTIES_WorkingWithBYLAYER.dwg, and as the title says, we're looking at the properties of the objects in the AutoCAD drawing, and we're going to look at the ByLayer setting for each of the properties for each of the AutoCAD objects in the drawing. Now, I'm not going to look at every single AutoCAD object, but we're going to look at some of them, just to see how this ByLayer setting actually works. So, got the drawing open, we're in the Model tab, and we're looking at a nice floor plan with grades, dimensions, walls, doors, windows, and so on. Now, the ByLayer setting is in the Home tab on the ribbon in the properties panel here. So you can see, look…
