From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

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Working with batch plotting

Working with batch plotting - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

Working with batch plotting

- [Shaun] Again, we're back in AutoCAD, with another tip and trick that will allow you to work productively and effectively within the AutoCAD product itself. So, we've got a new drawing open for you to look at with this tip and trick. It's called PLOTTING_BatchPlotting.dwg. And, as usual, the name of my drawing files tends to give away the tip and the trick that we're going to cover. We're going to look at how we batch plot in AutoCAD. Even with a simple floor plan like we've got on the screen in front of us, batch plotting is extremely useful. And what you can do is, you can save all of those batch plotting settings, so that, on a Friday afternoon, if you've got a massive load of drawings you need to kick out, all you've got to do is open up your DSD file, as it's called, and you can go, and all your settings are ready to go. You just hit the Batch Plot button, and off those drawings go, and coming out of the plotter,…
