From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

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Web: Saving a drawing to use in the AutoCAD web app

Web: Saving a drawing to use in the AutoCAD web app - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

Web: Saving a drawing to use in the AutoCAD web app

- [Instructor] Welcome to another AutoCAD tip and trick. We're going to be looking at using the AutoCAD web app today. And the web app is a great piece of functionality developed by Autodesk. If you've got the one AutoCAD subscription for example, you get the AutoCAD web app as part of that subscription and it's actually a browser based version of AutoCAD. It's a very cool product and it means that you can utilize it when you're mobile, you can perhaps use it on something like iPad Pro for example, so you've got your mobile tablet, with your internet connection you can jump into it quickly and it's quick and easy and it's using that mobile technology. You don't have to wait for AutoCAD to boot up on your desktop PC for example. So we've got a drawing for you, it's called UsingAutoCADWeb.dwg. You can download it from the library, as usual, to follow along with the tips and tricks video. It's a really simple drawing, just…
