From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

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Utilizing named views to manage the Model tab

Utilizing named views to manage the Model tab - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

Utilizing named views to manage the Model tab

- So here we are in another AutoCAD drawing, ready for another AutoCAD tip and trick. Now, the drawing we've got is 12_NamedViewsMODELTAB.dwg, and we're gonna look at creating named views in the model tab to manage our model tab in what might be a complex AutoCAD drawing. Now this drawing isn't that complex, it's a nice, simple example, and it allows us to set up a number of named views and then navigate the model tab quickly and effectively. So download the file, if you want to, to follow along with the video. Now, we're in the model tab, and you can see we're looking at a plan of a building with various rooms there. Now those rooms might each need a named view so that you can navigate around the drawing quickly and easily. So in this top left corner, I'm gonna zoom in, just using the wheel on the mouse by rolling up on the wheel, and you can see there that we have a bathroom right here. So this is going to be bathroom…
