From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

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Using the Merge Layout command to merge layout viewports

Using the Merge Layout command to merge layout viewports - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

Using the Merge Layout command to merge layout viewports

- [Instructor] Welcome to another tip and trick in the world of AutoCAD. And this time we're going to be looking at one of the AutoCAD Express Tools. It's called Merge Layout. We have a drawing for you to use to follow along with this tips and tricks video, it's called MergeLayout.dwg. And you can see the name of it there at the top of the screen. As usual, you can download it from the library to follow along with the video. So once you've got the drawing downloaded you'll notice that there are two layout tabs. If you look in the bottom left corner you've got the A3-Landscape layout tab, which is the current layout tab, and we've also got the A3-Landscape-MERGE layout tab as well. Click on the MERGE one and you'll see that you've got two right hand viewports already existing. So if you go back to A3-Landscape here you'll notice that we've also got them here. There's the two right hand ones. Now we want to merge…
