From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

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Using the Group Manager to set up groups in AutoCAD

Using the Group Manager to set up groups in AutoCAD - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

Using the Group Manager to set up groups in AutoCAD

- [Teacher] Welcome to another autoCAD tip and trick from What we're going to look at this time is the Group Manager in autoCAD, and how it allows you to create and manage groups effectively in your autoCAD drawings. So, to that end, we have a new drawing open for you. You can see that at the top of the screen. And you can download that from your exercise files as usual to follow along with the video. So what we're going to look at is the Group Manager. And the Group Manager allows us to create groups of objects in our autoCAD drawings. Now as usual, I have totally simplified the drawing. You can see that we've just got some very simple objects there on the screen. And I do that deliberately so that you guys can see the technique, rather than have to look at a really complex drawing with loads of objects, loads of colors, loads of hatches and fills everywhere. It's a lot easier to demonstrate…
