From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

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Using the AutoCAD calculator to your advantage

Using the AutoCAD calculator to your advantage - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

Using the AutoCAD calculator to your advantage

- [Instructor] So here we are again in the world of AutoCAD with another AutoCAD tip and trick. We've got a new drawing open, which is 13_UsingCALCULATOR.dwg. You can download that from your exercise files, quite happily, and use it to follow along with the video, if you wish. Now what we're going to do in this drawing is use the Calculator, surprise, surprise or QuckCalc as it's known in AutoCAD. In the drawing itself, we have this circle here, which is a filter disc, and we've got holes cut out in the filter disc to allow things to filter through. What we want to know is the percentage of material that is cut from the main disc, this one, by the holes, the smaller circles. And we can do that very easily. So what we're going to do is we're going to select the outer circle, like so, right click and go to Properties, and there's the area there of the circle in the Properties panel. If I click on it, I get a little…
