From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

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Using layer properties for layer management

Using layer properties for layer management - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

Using layer properties for layer management

- [Instructor] So here we are again with another AutoCAD Tip and Trick. What we're going to be looking at is working with layers in AutoCAD. More importantly, the Layer Properties and what benefits they give us when we're working in one of our AutoCAD drawings. Now we've got a new drawing open. It's 07_UsingLAYERPROPERTIES.dwg. As usual, if you want to download that, you can, to follow along with the video. Now, we're gonna look at the Layer Properties within this particular 2D drawing while we're working in the Model tab of the drawing. So, just jump into the Layers panel here. Again, my panels are a little bit squished based on the resolution I record the videos, so I'm sure you can see all of that Layers panel on your ribbon in your version of AutoCAD. I'm gonna click on Layer Properties and there's the Layer Properties Manager, listing all of the layers in the AutoCAD drawing. Now I'm just gonna click on the title…
