From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

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Using ARRAY and ARRAYCLASSIC - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks


- [Instructor] In this particular Tip and Trick in AutoCAD, what we're going to do is look at the ARRAY and ARRAYCLASSIC commands. Now you might have thought that there was only the ARRAY command available to you in AutoCAD. Well, that's wrong in some respects now. The reason being is we have the regular ARRAY command, which is the newly enhanced feature built version of the ARRAY command, but we still have the ARRAYCLASSIC command. Now this will change roughly around AutoCAD 2012 and we're running AutoCAD 2017 now, so it's been around a little while. However, the ARRAYCLASSIC command is still there for those of you that prefer a dialog box driven ARRAY command. So, I've got a drawing open, 01_ARRAY&ARRAYCLASSIC.dwg, fairly self-explanatory. You can download that to follow along with this particular Tip and Trick. So what were going to look at is a Rectangular Array and a Polar Array. And we're gonna see how…
