From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

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Using Arc Aligned

Using Arc Aligned

- [Instructor] Welcome to another AutoCAD tip and trick. What I'm going to show you now over the next few tips and tricks are some of my favorite AutoCAD express tools. So you might find that there's quite a few tips and tricks about express tools coming up in the next few weeks, months, years, et cetera. Now what we're going to look at is my absolute favorite express tool, which is arc aligned text. Now you'll notice we've got a new drawing for you there, it's called arc aligned text, surprise, surprise. And what we're going to do there is allow you to download that from the library, obviously to follow along with the video. Once you've got it downloaded just make sure you go to the home tab on the ribbon and you go into the layers panel and just make sure you're using the text layer like so. And then we're going to jump into the express tools tab on the ribbon, and you'll see there there's in the text panel the arc…
