From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

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Setting up an effective IMPERIAL dimension style

Setting up an effective IMPERIAL dimension style - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

Setting up an effective IMPERIAL dimension style

- [Instructor] Welcome to another tip and trick in my AutoCAD Tips and Tricks series. We're gonna have a look now at creating an effective, imperial dimension style, which will also be annotative. So we're gonna have a look at setting all of this up. Now, before we do that, we've got a nice little drawing for you to download from the library to follow along with the video and that is DstyleIMPERIAL.dwg. So you can download that from the library, obviously store it somewhere locally, open it up in AutoCAD, and you can follow along with this particular tip and trick. Now, we're gonna set up a dimension style that is not only imperial but annotative as well. So just make sure in your Layers panel here that you're using the Dimensions layer that's in the Home tab on the ribbon. And you can access your Dimension Style Manager from here on the Home tab from the Annotation fly-out using this icon here or more preferably, in this case,…
