From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

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Saving your files to AutoCAD web and AutoCAD mobile

Saving your files to AutoCAD web and AutoCAD mobile - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

Saving your files to AutoCAD web and AutoCAD mobile

- [Instructor] Welcome to another AutoCAD tip and trick from my Tips and Tricks series. Once again you'll notice I'm in AutoCAD 2019, the latest version of AutoCAD. And I want to show you another nice new feature based around the cloud that AutoCAD 2019 gives you. And it's the ability to save to web and to mobile. Now when I say save to web and to mobile, that's AutoCAD web and AutoCAD mobile. Basically what I'm gonna show you to do is how to upload a file to the cloud very quickly and easily, but also open it again in AutoCAD as well. But the benefit you've got is the file goes up to the cloud, which means you can use things like AutoCAD web and AutoCAD mobile to view them when you're on the road, on site, perhaps on a factory floor or something like that. Now, in order to access this functionality, you must be signed in using your Autodesk account. So let's go up to sign in, which is up here at the top of the AutoCAD…
