From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

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Output: Using the PUBLISH command to print and plot multiple drawings and saving the settings for future output

Output: Using the PUBLISH command to print and plot multiple drawings and saving the settings for future output - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

Output: Using the PUBLISH command to print and plot multiple drawings and saving the settings for future output

- [Instructor] Welcome to another AutoCAD tip and trick. Today we're going to be looking at AutoCAD output, specifically publishing to multiple sheets using batch plotting or publish as it's known in AutoCAD. We have a drawing for you in the library, it's called 209_OUTPUT-Publish.dwg. You can see the name of it there up in the title bar in AutoCAD. And just download it from the library, open it up in your version of AutoCAD, and you can quite happy then follow along with this tips and tricks video. Now you can see in the Model tab here we've got a bearing block with a bearing and a shaft, there's various leaders, dimensions, center lines, hidden detail, et cetera. Now we're not going to make any actual drafting changes, what we're going to look at here is how we can publish the two layout tabs that are applied to this particular drawing. So if we look at the layout tabs we have bearing block one of two, which gives us…
