From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

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Modify: Streamlined Trim and Extend (AutoCAD 2021)

Modify: Streamlined Trim and Extend (AutoCAD 2021) - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

Modify: Streamlined Trim and Extend (AutoCAD 2021)

- [Instructor] Welcome to another AutoCAD tip and trick. What we're going to look at now is one of the new features available to you in AutoCAD 2021, the latest version of AutoCAD. And what we're going to look at is how Autodesk have enhanced the trim and extend commands to give you a slightly faster process and workflow when you're using those two particular commands. We've got a new drawing for you, it's called New_Garden_001.dwg. As usual, with the tips and tricks you can download the file from the library to follow along with the video. Now, what we're doing in this particular drawing is planning a new garden area. You can see the trees and the shrubs. There's also a blue footpath here, like so, and there's also an orange arc here representing the edge of the hard standing, which is going to be here in the garden. Now, you'll notice that the lines of the footpath go past the garden boundary, and the arc that's going…
