From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

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Interface: Editing path arrays

Interface: Editing path arrays - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

Interface: Editing path arrays

- [Instructor] So here we are again with another AutoCAD tip and trick for the day. And what we're going to be looking at this time is editing path arrays. Path arrays are really useful in AutoCAD, because you can get objects to follow curves like we've got here at the screen at the moment. We've got a nice new drawing for you. It's called EditingPathArrays, surprise. You can download it from the library and use it to follow along with the videos. So we've got two little red arcs there where we're doing a little bit of landscaping in a garden area, perhaps for a building or house or something similar. And these green landscaping rectangles and hexagons represent paving slabs that you might use to create paths for a landscaped area. And obviously the red lines there are the paths of the paths arrays. So what we're going to do is path arrays. Now the arrays are already in place. There's an array there and there's an array…
