From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

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External references: XREF Compare function (AutoCAD 2021)

External references: XREF Compare function (AutoCAD 2021) - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

External references: XREF Compare function (AutoCAD 2021)

- [Instructor] Welcome to another Auto CAD tip and trick. What we're going to look at now is the new X Compare command available to you in the latest version of Auto CAD which is Auto CAD 2021. Now we've got three drawings for this particular tips and tricks video. You can see the tabs here, you've got Host Drawing, XREF001, XREF002, so you will need to download all of those drawings, all three, and store them in the same folder. That way, you can use relative file paths when you're XREFing XREF001 and XREF002 into the HostDrawing.dwg file. So let's go through that now by way of using the Reference Manager. So I'm going to go to the Insert tab on the ribbon, and there's the reference panel. There's a little arrow just there. Click on the arrow, and there's our external references palette. Now you'll notice we've got the Host Drawing there 'cause that's our current drawing. You'll notice it's the current file tab. We…
