From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

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Express Tools: Using The SUPERHATCH command from the Express Tools tab

Express Tools: Using The SUPERHATCH command from the Express Tools tab - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

Express Tools: Using The SUPERHATCH command from the Express Tools tab

- [Instructor] Welcome to another AutoCAD Tip and Trick. We're going to have a little look now at one of my favorite Express tools in AutoCAD and it's called Superhatch. So the drawing we've got for you is called Using SUPERHATCH.dwg. And you can download it from the library to follow along with this tips and tricks video. Now, when you open up the drawing, you can see that we've got a poly line and that's on its own layer and we've also got a tiny little block just down here made up from a polygon. So this is actually a block and it's on the layer Hatch. You can see it's a different color and Hatch is also the current drafting layer you'll notice. Just double click on the wheel to zoom extents and roll back one notch just so you can see both the tiny little block and the poly line. Now, we're going to use Superhatch to create our own little hatch pattern to fill this poly line. So we go to the Express Tools tab…
