From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

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Drafting: The advantages of using polylines

Drafting: The advantages of using polylines - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

Drafting: The advantages of using polylines

- [Instructor] Welcome to another AutoCAD tip and trick. Now, the lowly polyline is a very, very useful entity. It's a really useful AutoCAD object. And we're going to look at just some of the little things within polylines in AutoCAD that you might not be aware of. If you are aware of them, excellent. You're obviously a proficient AutoCAD user and you can use those tools to your advantage but as we often say in the AutoCAD community, you often only use about 30% of the product on any given day and it would be really nice if you could up that percentage every so slightly with a little bit more knowledge. So we're going to look at the lowly polyline and some of the features of polylines that allow you just to be that little bit more effective in your drawings in AutoCAD. So we've got a drawing for you and it's imaginatively called polylines.dwg. You can see it there at the top of the screen and as usual, you can download…
