From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

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Drafting: Enjoying your donuts

Drafting: Enjoying your donuts - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

Drafting: Enjoying your donuts

- [Instructor] We all love a good donut and a cup of coffee. It sets us up for the day, and allows us to obviously feel a little bit more happier in ourselves, before we get into our AutoCAD drawings, right? Now, did you know that donuts are also available in AutoCAD? So, for today's tip and trick, we're going to look at enjoying your donuts. Now, donuts, as I said, are available in AutoCAD. We've got a drawing for you called Enjoying Your Donuts.dwg, which thought was quite original, and we're going to look at how donuts work in the AutoCAD environment. Now, they're a really useful tool, because what they allow you to do, is set up what they call a ring, two circles, like a donut shape. And what it allows you to do, is set up things like setting-out points, perhaps points of reference on a drawing that you need to refer to, and it's just a useful little tool, that is very underrated, and very underused in AutoCAD.…
