From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

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Developing and extruding a simple region in a 3D solid

Developing and extruding a simple region in a 3D solid - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

Developing and extruding a simple region in a 3D solid

- [Instructor] Welcome to another AutoCAD Tip & Trick for today. Now what we're going to look at is working with a simple Region in AutoCAD. And this is like a little bit of an introduction into some 3-D drafting if you've never used it before. Now we've got to new drawing for you. It's SimpleRegion .dwg. You can see the name of it at the top of the screen, and as usual, you can download this from the website to follow along with this particular AutoCAD Tip & Trick video. Now what we've got is a little gearwheel, and the gearwheel at the moment is made up of lines and arcs and circles, and all of those elements are just separate AutoCAD entities right now. Now what we're going to do is we're going to convert all of these entities into Regions, and we're going to create two separate Regions in this particular case. Now, the quickest way to do this is just to do a quick crossing selection first,…
