From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

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Creating a dimension jog line

Creating a dimension jog line - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

Creating a dimension jog line

- [Instructor] So, here we are in the world of AutoCAD and here's another tip and trick for you to use. We're going to look at the dimension jog line command, that dim jog line. You can see we've got a new drawing there for you, ANNOTATE_DIMJOGLINECommand.dwg because obviously it covers the annotate tab in AutoCAD on the ribbon. Now, what we're going to do is we're going to create a new dimension but it's not actually going to have like an endpoint. What it's going to reference is basically the distance from a grid line to the drainage pit that you can just see over in the top right-hand corner of the drawing. So, there's our little drainage pit over there, and basically what we're going to do is place a nice long dimension line across all of those grids that goes to the center of that little drainage pit. So, make sure that you're in the right layer first of all. So, we're using A-ANNO-DIMS because it is a…
