From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

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358 OUTPUT - Creating effective page setups

358 OUTPUT - Creating effective page setups - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

358 OUTPUT - Creating effective page setups

- [Instructor] In this particular "AutoCAD Tip and Trick" we're going to take a little look at page setups and how we can make them work and work for us when we're trying to output our drawings. We've got a very simple drawing for you to use, it's called 358 OUTPUT-Page Setups.dwg. And you should know the drill by now. Download it from the library and follow along with this particular "Tips and Tricks" video. So what we're going to do is work with some simple shapes in a simple drawing with a simple title block. I'm then going to create a new sized title block and put it into a new Layout tab and create a new page setup for it. So at the moment, when you open up the 358 OUTPUT page setups drawing, in the Model tab you can see we've got three basic shapes, rectangle, circle, hexagon. Now, I've done that purely so that we've got some geometry in the Model tab. If I now go to the Layout tab, the ISO A3-Landscape Layout…
