From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

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353 ANNOTATION - Dimension Text Editing and the DIM command

353 ANNOTATION - Dimension Text Editing and the DIM command - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

353 ANNOTATION - Dimension Text Editing and the DIM command

- [Instructor] Welcome to another Tip and Trick for AutoCAD. In this particular Tip and Trick, we're going to take a deeper dive into the DIM command, the dimension command in AutoCAD. Now, basically, we're going to take a look at some nice features that work within AutoCAD and work quite well, and they're all about dimensioning and your dimension annotation. So for that purpose, we've got a new drawing for you to follow along with this particular Tip and Trick. It's called 353 annotation ANNOTATION-DIM command.dwg, and you know the drill by now. Download it from the library, open it up in AutoCAD, make sure, in this case, you are in the model tab. Also, there's a couple of little bits of housekeeping here. Make sure that you are on the dimensions layer as your current drafting layer. You can see that in the layers panel at the top of the screen. Also, if you click on the flyout here on the annotation panel on the home tab on…
