From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

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339 CONTENT REUSE - Managing block attributes in your drawings (BATTMAN command)

339 CONTENT REUSE - Managing block attributes in your drawings (BATTMAN command) - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

339 CONTENT REUSE - Managing block attributes in your drawings (BATTMAN command)

- [Instructor] Welcome to another AutoCAD tip and trick. We're going to be taking a look at content reuse and how we manage our block attributes in our AutoCAD drawings. We've got a drawing for you. It's called 339 Content Reuse-BATTMAN.dwg, and you can download that from the exercise files to follow along with this particular tips and tricks video. Now, the name of the file kind of makes you think about superheroes, Batman, right? Well, Batman actually stands for Block Attribute Manager, and that's the tool we're going to be using in this particular video. Now the good thing is it's very quick and easy to get to. You can either type B-A, double T, M-A-N, and press Enter, or just go to the insert tab on the AutoCAD ribbon and Manage Attributes there in the Block Definition panel. So click on Manage Attributes, and there's your Block Attributes Manager. Now what I love about the Block Attribute Manager is there's lots of little…
