From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

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314 Content reuse: Setting up a simple blocks library from the Blocks palette (AutoCAD 2023)

314 Content reuse: Setting up a simple blocks library from the Blocks palette (AutoCAD 2023) - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

314 Content reuse: Setting up a simple blocks library from the Blocks palette (AutoCAD 2023)

- [Instructor] Welcome to another tips and tricks video for AutoCAD. In this particular video, we're going to be taking a look at how we can create a blocks library from the blocks palette in AutoCAD. For that reason, we've got a 314 blocks library.dwg file that you can download from the library if you'll pardon the pun. And you can use that to follow along with this particular tips and tricks video. When you open up the drawing in the model tab, you'll see that we've got a little nut and bolt kind of arrangement with some dimension annotation, some center lines, and some center marks. Make sure you position that sort of to the left or to the right of the drawing area so that you can see the blocks palette easily on the screen when you're working with the blocks palette. Now you'll notice in the layer dropdown that I've got it set to the details layer, just stick with that details layer as your current drafting layer.…
