From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

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309 Annotation: Working with dimension-style overrides

309 Annotation: Working with dimension-style overrides - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

309 Annotation: Working with dimension-style overrides

- In this particular AutoCAD tip and trick we're going to take a look at dimension style overrides, and we've got a drawing for you. It's 309-Dim Style Overrides.dwg. You can download that from the library to follow along with this particular tip and trick. I've got the drawing open in the Model tab, and you can obviously see that it's a simple geometrical shape with some dimensions applied to it. Now, just a little bit of housekeeping here for you. I'm using an annotative dimension style. So you need an annotation scale set in the Model tab. It's at 1:20 down here. Make sure you keep it at 1:20 if you want to add other dimensions to your drawing, and you'll see why in a moment. You'll also notice in the Layers panel, my current drafting layer is Objects. You can see it there, like so. I'm now going to jump across to the Annotate tab on the ribbon. Now, there's a really nice feature in the Dimensions panel here. It's…
