From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

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308 Import: Importing a PDF underlay into AutoCAD

308 Import: Importing a PDF underlay into AutoCAD - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

308 Import: Importing a PDF underlay into AutoCAD

- [Instructor] In this particular AutoCAD tip and trick, we're going to have a look at how we can utilize PDF underlays in our AutoCAD drawings. We've got a drawing for you that you can download from the library to follow along with the tip and trick. It's called 308-PDF Underlays.dwg. Just download the file, store it somewhere safe, open it up in your version of AutoCAD, and open it up in the model tab. You'll see it's a very simple little office layout. We've got an empty cubicle here that we want to use to put our PDF underlay into. Now, I'm on the home tab on the ribbon. Just make sure you are on layer zero when you bring your PDF underlay in because then it will just come in on the layer zero. You can change that layer later at your leisure if you want to. I'm now going to go to the insert tab over here on the ribbon. Now I'm not performing a PDF import this time. I'm performing a PDF underlay. A PDF import is…
