From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

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293 Drafting: Working with the Selection Cycling and Hide and Isolate tools in AutoCAD

293 Drafting: Working with the Selection Cycling and Hide and Isolate tools in AutoCAD - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

293 Drafting: Working with the Selection Cycling and Hide and Isolate tools in AutoCAD

- [Tutor] Welcome to another tip and trick for AutoCAD. We're going to take a look at how we can utilize selection cycling, and also a little bit of hiding and isolating in our drawings to help us with our drafting on a day to day basis. We've got a new drawing for you. It's called 293 selection cycling and you can download it from the library to follow along with this particular tips and tricks video. Now it's a very very simple drawing when you open it up. You're in the model tab and you've got two poly lines. You actually got a poly line here, like so, on the layer building. You've also got a poly line here, on the layer proposed extension. So you see it's a very simple building floor plan drawing. We're showing the building footprints of the proposed extension to the building and the existing building. Now sometimes when you get drawings in from third parties, you'll often find that there's little bits of detroiters…
