From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

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271 Collaboration: Using the cloud to store your DWG files, using web and mobile folders and Microsoft OneDrive

271 Collaboration: Using the cloud to store your DWG files, using web and mobile folders and Microsoft OneDrive - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

271 Collaboration: Using the cloud to store your DWG files, using web and mobile folders and Microsoft OneDrive

- [Instructor] Welcome to another tip and trick for AutoCAD. Today, we're going to be taking a look at collaboration, and how we can utilize the cloud and the AutoCAD Web & Mobile folders purely to save a drawing in a location where it can be found by others. We've got a drawing for you. It's "271 COLLABORATION - Floor Plan.dwg", and you may recognize it from other courses of mine in the library. I'm not too worried about the actual floor plan itself. We're not going to make any dramatic changes to the drawing. What we're going to look at is methodologies where we can save this drawing for collaboration. Now, the cloud's a big thing nowadays. We've got the AutoCAD Web & Mobile folders. We can also utilize things like the AutoCAD Web app and the AutoCAD Mobile app. But it's storing the drawing that is the important thing. We've got to make sure that it's in a known location in the cloud for someone to use. Now at the…
