From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

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250 Collaborate: Sharing your current drawing to the AutoCAD web app (AutoCAD 2022 only)

250 Collaborate: Sharing your current drawing to the AutoCAD web app (AutoCAD 2022 only) - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

250 Collaborate: Sharing your current drawing to the AutoCAD web app (AutoCAD 2022 only)

- [Narrator] Welcome to another Tip and Trick for AutoCAD. In this particular tip and trick, we're going to be looking at how we can collaborate using AutoCAD 2022 and the share your drawing function available in the latest version of AutoCAD. For that reason, we've got a new drawing for you. It's called "250 COLLABORATE - Sharing your drawing.dwg". You can see the name of the file there at the top of the screen. And as usual, you can download it from the library to follow along with this particular tips and tricks video. So, once you've got the drawing open in AutoCAD 2022, I hasten to add, because this is a feature that runs with AutoCAD 2022, you can share your drawing. And what Autodesk have done, is they've put a share icon just up here near the quick access toolbar. You've got share here, like so, but you've also in the collaborate tab, got share drawing here as well in the share panel on the ribbon. So you can…
