From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

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247 Content: Using the COUNT command to calculate the number of blocks in your drawings (AutoCAD 2022 only)

247 Content: Using the COUNT command to calculate the number of blocks in your drawings (AutoCAD 2022 only) - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

247 Content: Using the COUNT command to calculate the number of blocks in your drawings (AutoCAD 2022 only)

- [Narrator] Welcome to another AutoCAD tip and trick in the series. And now we're going to look at a new feature now and it's available in the latest version of AutoCAD, AutoCAD 2022, and it's actually using a new command called the count command. So for that particular reason, we've got a new drawing for you. It's called 247 content using the count command .DWG. You can see the name of the file at the top of the screen there in the title bar, download it from the library and use it to follow along with this particular tip and trick video. So what we're going to do is look at how we can count things in our drawings. Now, at the moment, you'll notice lots of desks, lots of chairs, lots of rubber plants. There's even lots of filing cabinets. Now this is an associative array. So if I hover over it and click on it, you can see it's an array, it takes me to the array tab, the contextual tab in the ribbon. And I can work…
