From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

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232 Project: Working with page setups to plot drawings

232 Project: Working with page setups to plot drawings - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

232 Project: Working with page setups to plot drawings

- [Instructor] Welcome to another "Tip and Trick "for AutoCAD," and this is another tip and trick in the series for the project series of "AutoCAD Tips and Tricks," as well. You'll be able to recognize 'em, 'cause they've all got the word project in the name of the video and the name of the exercise file. Just follow the sequential numbering and you can follow the project series in my tips and tricks videos. Saying that, this particular tips and tricks video, whilst it is part of a series, also stands up on its own as a tip and trick for AutoCAD, as well. So in this particular tip and trick, we're going to be looking at plotting our AutoCAD drawings. And we've got an exercise file for you called 232_PROJECT_Plotting.dwg. And as usual, you should know the drill by now. You can download it from the library to follow along with this particular tips and tricks video. When you open up the drawing, you can see that we're…
