From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

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218 3D Design: Using visual styles to enhance your 3D model views

218 3D Design: Using visual styles to enhance your 3D model views - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

218 3D Design: Using visual styles to enhance your 3D model views

- [Instructor] In this particular tip and trick for AutoCAD, we're going to look at 3D design and how your visual styles in your full AutoCAD can allow you to work with those 3D designs that you're working on as well. Again, it's a case of working smarter and not harder. Just use the tools that AutoCAD's got to allow you to work quicker and more efficiently. Now we've got a drawing for you. It's called 218 3D design visual styles. You can see the name of the file up there in the title bar, in AutoCAD, on the screen. As usual, you can download that from the library to follow along with this particular tips and tricks video. Now it is a 3D DWG file. Be aware of that. So when you open up the drawing you'll notice we are in the model tab, bottom left. So remodel space like so, and on the view cube here, we're in the top view in 3D. You should be able to see a little bit of perspective going on with the holes there, through our…
