From the course: AutoCAD: Creating Sprinkler and Fire-Alarm Systems

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Tagging the pipes

Tagging the pipes

- [Narrator] It'd be nice to tell people what the pipes are that they are actually looking at, wouldn't it? This is where tagging comes in handy. What's nice about tags is the fact that they are smart. We could always place a dumb piece of text into a drawing, but what happens if the pipe gets updated? The text will be wrong, whereas the tag will always be correct. The objective of this video is to manually place tags on our pipes. Once the tags are placed, we'll examine the tags to see where the information is coming from. Let's jump into our tagging model. Let's make sure that our workspace is set for piping. We're going to use some pre-defined tags that come right out of the AutoCAD box. Note that your company might have different tags set up for different systems. What I'd like to do is go to the Annotation tab. I'm just gonna grab Pipe Label right here. AutoCAD wants me to select the pipe, so I'm going to select this pipe right here. Now we're going to specify a leader. I'm gonna…
