From the course: AutoCAD: Creating Sprinkler and Fire-Alarm Systems

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Tagging the devices

Tagging the devices

- [Narrator] The funny thing about devices when they come into Autocad MEP is they're kind of dumb until you tag them. It's true, once you tag a device not only do you add text but you're also adding what is called a property set definition. These property set definitions bring along all of the devices electrical data. The objective of this video is to go to the tool palette. Then we're going to click a device tag and tag all of our devices. We will then compare a dumb device to a smart device that has been tagged. Jump into our tagging.dwg. Let's make sure that our workspace is set for electrical. What I'd like to do now is go to the tag and schedule tab and I'm going to grab device tag right from the top. I'm going to scroll into my pole station and select it. It gives me a tag with some default text. I'm going to put it right outside of the pole station. Now here's our property set definitions. We'll see now it adds our voltage, our phases, our frequency. Let's scroll down to where…
