From the course: AutoCAD: Creating Sprinkler and Fire-Alarm Systems

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Refreshing a section

Refreshing a section

- [Instructor] Like Autocad's cousin, Revit, these sections don't just magically update themselves whenever there's a change in the model. Unfortunately, we need to manually force the update for our sections to stay accurate. The objective of this video is to create yet another section through our model. We'll then make a change to the plan, and update the new section. We will then update every section in the entire drawing at once. So, to get started in our MEP mechanical drawing, I wanna zoom in on the mechanical room. I'm gonna click on vertical section. I'm gonna zoom in and I'm gonna cut a section right through this room here. Make sure you hit F8 to turn your ortho on. I'm gonna zoom in so I don't accidentally snap to something else, and I'm gonna pick a point right about here. My command prompt wants me to specify a next point. I'm all set, so I'm gonna hit enter. I'm gonna enter a length of 20 feet, and I'm gonna hit enter. Now we have our section drawn in. Let's go ahead and…
