From the course: AutoCAD: Creating Sprinkler and Fire-Alarm Systems

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Merging sections

Merging sections

- [Instructor] Sometimes, just an awesome, dynamic section through our model isn't gonna be enough. We still need to add 2D line work from time to time. This video will have us sketching some simple 2D line work. Then we're gonna merge that line work into our section. We'll then make it editable then we'll add some more line work to the section. So to get started, let's jump into our MEP-Mechanical.dwg file. I wanna zoom in on this section right here. I wanna draw a rectangular underneath their VAV. Just to show that we wanna stay out of that area. I'm gonna type R-E-C-T-A-N-G at the command prompt. I'm gonna pick a box right about here. Then I'm gonna draw some lines from corner to corner like this. I'm gonna turn my ortho off by hitting F8 and I'm gonna click here. I'm gonna start my line command again. I'm gonna go from here down to here. I'm gonna hit escape. Now I'm gonna select my section, and I'm gonna click on merge. I'm gonna pick a window around this whole area. I'm gonna…
