From the course: AutoCAD: Creating Sprinkler and Fire-Alarm Systems

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Creating fire alarm display configurations

Creating fire alarm display configurations

- [Instructor] It's time to think low-voltage electrical. We certainly have come a long way from 2D AutoCAD. The reason I say that is the basic fact that we can set up AutoCAD MEP and the display configurations to include a fire alarm configuration. This allows us to turn on and off specific disciplines all in one shot. This video will include trading a new drawing and linking in the architectural model. We will then create a new Fire Alarm display configuration and add some items you'd like to see. So to get started, let's go to the Get Started area. Underneath Start Drawing, let's click the Templates drop-down. Let's grab A-E-C-B Model U-S Imperial C-T-B. If your External References palette isn't up, type X+R, then hit Enter. Click on the attached D-W-G button, and browse to where you're keeping your architectural file. Then, click Open. Let's set our Reference Type for Overlay. We don't need a Scale or an Insertion point. Let's click Okay. Double click your wheel button to zoom…
