From the course: AutoCAD: Creating Sprinkler and Fire-Alarm Systems

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Adding wires to the fire alarm setup

Adding wires to the fire alarm setup

- [Instructor] Instead of drawing arcs, inserting tick marks and changing the layer, exploiting them and trimming them, let's have AutoCAD do all that work for us, shall we? What I wanna do here is go back to some of our devices. Then we're gonna grab a wire type from our tool palette. We'll then wire up the devices and add a home run. They get started. Let's jump into AutoCAD MEP into our wires drawing. I'm gonna come up to my two favorite offices. Let's make sure that our workspace is set for electrical. Let's go to the Wire tab. Again, we're dealing with data so let's grab Wire by System data. What I wanna do is I wanna specify a couple things over here. Our segment, let's make sure it's an arc. What's cool is the display changes each time you change what you wanna do. Arc is the most popular. So what we're gonna do now is come over to your post station and once you hover over it, you'll see a little snap show up. Once you see that little snap show up, that little green connector…
