From the course: AutoCAD: Creating Sprinkler and Fire-Alarm Systems

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Adding the sprinklers

Adding the sprinklers

- [Instructor] It's time to add our sprinklers. It's pretty easy, but like I always say, we're in 3D now. So make sure you remember to set the height of the sprinklers as you're adding them to the model. In this video, we will be adding pendant sprinklers and some horizontal sidewall sprinklers throughout parts of our building. Before we do that, though, we will need to figure out how high these ceilings are. We do that by going into the architectural model. Let's get started by opening up our sprinkler drawing. I'm gonna select the architectural external reference. I'm gonna right click on it, and I'm gonna open the Xref. Now, we've got our Xref open. I'm gonna zoom into this room here. I can see the space, but I can't see the ceiling. That's okay. Let's go down to our display settings, and let's just select Reflected. There's our ceilings. Go ahead and select one of your ceilings. In the properties, let's scroll down to Elevation and note that it's at nine feet. Let's hit Escape a…
