From the course: AutoCAD: Creating Sprinkler and Fire-Alarm Systems

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Adding sprinkler piping

Adding sprinkler piping

- [Instructor] With the sprinklers in place we can start adding our mains and branch piping. To do this we'll be using the threaded pipe that is configured and a system that makes sense. We'll first model our main run through Office 103, then by using the sprinklers we have modeled in place we'll start modeling our branch piping. So to get started let's jump into AutoCAD MEP, let's hit our pipe drawing. I wanna start by just drawing a main run right up through here. We'll come down and then we'll come up our hallway. To do that let's make sure that our workspace is set for piping. What I'd like to do now is on our tool pallet, let's find gravity pipe. Let's click our pipe button. For our system let's make sure we're on Fire Protection Wet Pipe. Our routing preferences are set for threaded. For the nominal size let's click the dropdown, let's go down to four inches. For our elevation let's go up to 12 feet. I'm gonna pick a point right here. I'm gonna come straight down my building…
