From the course: AutoCAD: Creating Sprinkler and Fire-Alarm Systems

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Adding room tags

Adding room tags

- [Instructor] Generally the architect is gonna name the rooms within the building. This is great, we don't have to. The problem is, the architect is gonna label the room and put that label right where we don't want it. You know what, it's better if we freeze their tags and add our own. The objective of this video is to freeze the architectural room tags. We will then look at what is called the content browser and search for our own room tag. We will find the tag we like, then we'll place it into our drawing. So to get started let's jump into our sprinkler model. Let's zoom in on the architectural rooms. If you can't see their room tags, make sure that this button is checked right here. Add scales to the annotative objects when the annotation scale changes. Make sure that's blue and it's turned on. Then you'll be able to see the architectural tag. So what I wanna do is I wanna freeze their tag and we're gonna add our own tag. Let's go to the home tab. Let's click on the freeze button.…
