From the course: Artificial Intelligence Foundations: Machine Learning

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Visualizing and understanding data

Visualizing and understanding data

- [Instructor] When exploring your dataset, you'll need to visualize that data through plotting charts and graphs, so you better understand it. Matplotlib and Seaborn are widely used Python-based 2D plotting libraries. These libraries allow for generating production-quality visualizations with just a few lines of code. Here I've navigated to the Jupiter notebook. Let's start with histograms. Histograms are similar to bar charts and show us the distribution of our numerical data. We'll plot the values for the target variable median house value using a series of bars on the histogram. Here's the histogram. You'll see on the x-axis at the bottom the cost of the home, and on the y-axis on the left the count of homes at that value. We can see from the plot that the values of the median house value are distributed normally with a few outliers here on the right. Most of the homes are within the 100,000 to $200,000 range.…
