From the course: Artificial Intelligence Foundations: Machine Learning

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Obtaining data

Obtaining data

- Data is a critical element of any machine learning project. There are many places from where you can source data. You may have an internal datastore you can query, your client may provide the data, an open-source or public datastore could help, or you may need to buy data from a third party. Do you ever dream about buying a home in California near the ocean? I know I do. If you do, you'll want to study these cost predictions. We'll use information regarding the demography, like income, population, house occupancy in the districts, the location of the districts, latitude and longitude, and features of the home like number of bedrooms, number of rooms, age of the house. We'll use that to predict what that home will sell for. We'll use a machine learning technique called supervised learning to predict the cost of the home, which is a linear regression problem. Do you remember the definition of supervised learning from…
