From the course: Artificial Intelligence Foundations: Machine Learning

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Framing machine learning problems

Framing machine learning problems

- [Instructor] Framing your machine learning problem is an important step. With the resurgence of machine learning, everyone wants to experiment with it because it's causing much buzz in the industry but machine learning is not the solution to every problem and when used incorrectly, it can cause more harm than good. If you can use simple rules, computations or predetermined steps to solve your problem then machine learning is not for you. Start to think of a problem that you think machine learning could solve and make notes in a text editor or LinkedIn's notebook feature and we'll uncover together whether or not your idea would be a good candidate for machine learning. I've found that machine learning works best when you need to predict an outcome, uncover trends and patterns and data, have rules and predetermined steps that cannot be coded or your data set is too large to be processed by a human. Once you've determined…
