From the course: Affinity Designer Essential Training

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Selecting by sampling pixel color

Selecting by sampling pixel color

- [Instructor] Let's take a moment to take a look at how to sample by sampling pixels. This image is a little bit complicated. Seems like it's easy, but where we have and issue is right in here getting in between these circles. I could use the brush selection tool and make a pretty decent selection, but then I'd have to go into each one of these areas. Let's look at sampling color by sampling the pixel color. Let's just back out of this. Select your image. Make sure you're in the pixel mode, of course. Go to the top and select, "select sample color." By default, it makes a rough estimate of what you're trying to select. But I want to make my own selection here. I'm going to go ahead, look in this image, and click one time right in there. What you'll notice is it did a great job selecting all this area here, but then we have all this mess out there, on the outside here. One thing you have to keep in mind, guys, there is no one tool that does everything for you. Some tools out there…
