From the course: Affinity Designer Essential Training

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Saving and project organization

Saving and project organization

- [Instructor] In this movie, I would like to take a moment to talk about saving your work and organizing your files. Everyone has their own way of naming their files and saving their projects for future edits and for backing up their work. Why is this so important? Well, if you're just starting out, you might be saving and referring to documents and images from other computers. You also may have research you've collected around the web for inspiration and references. So let me take a moment to share with you how I'd like to organize and save my files. So let's go over to the Chapter folder and what you'll notice here is I have a zip file and it's named Client_Name_Project. Now the reason why I have a zip file in here is when I create a new project, I like to just click on this zip file so I don't have to recreate the structure of my folder every time I start a new project. So if I double click on this file what you'll notice is it unzips the file and makes a folder and all I need to…
